We would like to optimize the turnaround time for print jobs as much as possible. An important part of this is to ensure that the processing of graphic files submitted to us is as smooth as possible. Identifying and correcting minor errors and gaps in the file can halt production for hours or even days. Some errors can be corrected in-house, but this takes staff and time away from other work.
We have compiled a list of changes that are already live and that you should consider for future PDF submissions. The following information is intended to help you avoid production delays and possible extra costs.
We now ask that ready-to-print graphic materials be submitted as PDF/X-1a:2003 files. This will make checking of the files submitted clearer and smoother. We can also accept PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4 formats, but they may take longer to process and may require separate customer approval.
Advantages of the PDF/X-1a:2003 format: The use of the PDF/X-1a:2003 format allows for the safest possible delivery of material. Only CMYK, Gray and direct (Spot) colors are allowed in files that conform to the standard, with no multi-layer, transparency, or various embedded ICC color profiles. All CMYK elements must be color decomposed (converted to CMYK) or created with an output color profile (output intent) appropriate to the printing technology. This eliminates several graphic design problems.
The following ICC profiles are used in our print house (click on their names to download the color profiles):
– for coated paper: “PSO Coated v3“
– for uncoated (offset) paper: “PSO Uncoated v3“
Should you have any questions please contact us at ctp@keskeny.hu.